The PTA hosted two brand-new events this fall and we'd like to hear your thoughts. Please share your feedback about Paint Night and Movie Night, and let us know how you're feeling about future indoor events coming in 2022.

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* 1. I attended the following PTA events this year:

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* 2. If you did not attend an event, what was your primary reason for not attending?

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* 3. The thing I liked most about the event(s) we attended was...

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* 4. The thing I liked least about the event(s) we attended was...

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* 5. What would be your ideal start time for future outdoor events like this?

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* 6. Do you have any additional thoughts or feedback about PTA events?

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* 7. Would you feel comfortable having your child/family attend an indoor event at the school this winter? Example: Bingo Night in January. Masks would be required for all, just as they are during the school day.