Welcome to the 2018 NYSAFP Student Externship application cycle! This program is an excellent opportunity to explore your interest in family medicine. Our goals for the program are as follows: Students who participate in the clinical arm will have the opportunity to improve skills in obtaining history and performing a physical exam. They will also develop an understanding of the scope of medical issues that family physicians encounter in the pediatric and adult populations. Students who participate in the research arm will develop, explore, and implement a research project that involves Family Medicine. With the guidance of their mentor they will develop an understanding of the possible advantages and limitations to particular study designs, establish a valid methodology, and being to implement and hopefully complete a project by the end of the externship.  Students may participate in a combined  clinical and research opportunity. 

Externship Stipend

$2000 for the student

$500 for the physician mentor


Clinical- minimum 20 hrs per week of mentor guided shadowing.  Weekly journal entries and timesheet submissions. 

Research- minimum 20 hrs per week of work on research project design and implementation.  Weekly progress reports and a end of externship summary of the project.  



Students must be AAFP members

Students may not combine this externship with other paid programs (ie. Federal Work study, school reimbursed activities) 

Complete by July 6; send CV to after completing questions below.


Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Academic Standing

Question Title

* 3. Area of Interest

Question Title

* 4. Does your institution offer any family medicine rotation?

Question Title

* 5. Would you like assistance in identifying a mentor?

Question Title

* 6. Are you a member of your institutions Family Medicine Interest Group?

Question Title

* 7. Letter of Intent: limit 1 page (Why you are interested in Family Medicine? What do you hope to gain from this externship)

Question Title

* 8. Research question: Describe your research question. What impact can this project have on the target patient population?