2024 Code School Application

1.Enter your first name(Required.)
2.Enter your last name(Required.)
3.Enter your email address(Required.)
4.Which Code School pathway are you interested in? Select all that apply.(Required.)
5.Which of the following the languages/tools/technology do you have Novice level knowledge of/experience with:
6.MCC Code School students are expected to attend 2-3 classes per week, complete assignments and projects outside of class time, and engage in self-study on course topics. Time commitment will vary by class. How many hours per week will you be able to commit to coursework?(Required.)
7.Teamwork is essential for individuals working in this industry and MCC Code School is no different.  Are you able and prepared to work as a part of a team during your time in the program?(Required.)
8.How many years of work experience do you have in a technical role?(Required.)
9.Complete the Smarter Measure assessment following the instructions provided below:
  1. Access the assessment here: https://mccneb.smartermeasure.com/
  2. Select 'Log in as a First Time User'
  3. For username, select 'Code School (non-credit)'
  4. Use password: mccneb
  5. After completing the assessment, please download and email your report to MCCCodeSchoolAdministration@mccneb.edu
Enter 'Received' in the box below to indicate you have received the instructions to complete the Smarter Measure assessment.

Make sure to submit this application before navigating away from this page. 
10.At this time, tuition may be employer paid or self-paid. MCC Code School tuition is non-refundable after the start date. (Required.)