Wildlife Acoustics Hardware & Software Workshops @ NASBR 2018

Thursday, October 25th, 2018
Hidalgo Room
Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta


Overview of Wildlife Acoustics Hardware, Including Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro and Song Meter SM4BAT

Sherwood Snyder, Director of Product Management at Wildlife Acoustics, will provide an overview of Wildlife Acoustics’ Echo Meter Touch EMT2 handheld detector/recorder and Song Meter SM4BAT unattended recorder as well as all microphones and accessories. Time will be reserved for questions on the hardware specifications, specific use cases or how the recorders compare to previous Wildlife Acoustics recorders and other recorders on the market. 


Overview of Wildlife Acoustics Kaleidoscope Pro and Demo of new Cloud and Database Features

Ian Agranat, President and CEO of Wildlife Acoustics, will provide an overview of Kaleidoscope Pro Analysis Software including bat auto-identification and acoustic clustering. He will also demonstrate the new innovations in Kaleidoscope 5 including Cloud storage for better data management and collaboration, database features, and GUANO meta-data support for complex search queries.

Please select one or both workshops you would like to attend. Lunch will be provided, but seating is limited, so please fill out the following responses to save your spot at the workshops. 

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out your contact information

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* 2. Which workshop would you like to sign up for?

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* 3. Which products have you worked with? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. Which products would you like to learn more about? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Do you have any dietary restrictions and/or allergies?

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* 6. Additional questions or comments?