ESNZ volunteer survey for committee position holders

This survey is for officials, Organising or Area Committee members, other committee position holders and those who coordinate ESNZ volunteers. Note there is another survey for volunteers who do not hold official positions with ESNZ but is likely to be equally relevant to you 'wearing a different hat'. It is called Volunteer Survey - Equestrian Sports New Zealand. Please respond to both surveys if relevant.

Without our volunteers our sport would not be able to achieve all it currently does. We want to better understand the experience of ESNZ volunteers and who they are in order to improve the attraction, induction, retention, recognition and succession planning for our invaluable volunteer workforce. Thank you for taking the time and for sharing your thoughts and experience with us.

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* 1. How many volunteers do you have in your local discipline branch/Area Committee/Organising Committee?

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* 2. What branch/Area group/Organising Committee are you referring to in Q1?

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* 3. Please describe the make up of the majority of your volunteers including: their gender, age, whether they are ESNZ members and how long they have been volunteers on average. 

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* 4. What volunteer roles do they perform? (Please include the role of officials, stewards etc)

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* 5. On average, how many days a year or at what number of events would your volunteers volunteer? (Giving a range is fine - eg "on average between 10 and 20 days, or at between 10 and 15 events)

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* 6. How do you communicate with your volunteers?

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* 7. What induction and/or training do you provide for your volunteers?

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* 8. What support, information or resources would help to attract and retain volunteers?

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* 9. What sort of feedback do you seek and/or receive from volunteers about what would help them feel supported and make their volunteering more rewarding?

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* 10. Are your volunteers represented or have a voice on your committee?

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* 11. Does someone have the role of managing or being the point of contact for your volunteers? Is this a clearly identified (eg Volunteer Coordinator) and communicated role?

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* 12. Do you recognise/reward your volunteers? If so, how and when?

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* 13. Anything else you would like to tell us about your volunteers?

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* 14. A little bit about you .... all optional of course

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* 15. Age

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* 16. Income