Now that I have completed a full year as Pastor of St. John the Evangelist-St. Charles Borromeo, I would appreciate your feedback on how you feel our parish is running.  Your honest feedback is most welcomed and will help provide me with valuable information on how to improve our parish in the future. Please take a minute to complete this anonymous survey and tell me what you your honest opinion!

Question Title

* 1. How do you feel about my administrative skills which includes tasks like: managing the parish budget, maintaining & improving our buildings, streamlining our expenses?

Administrative skills need to improve. About right. Outstanding administrative skills.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Many changes were made over the past year: our parish merger, changes to parish groups, modifications to announcement & bulletin procedures. In general, how do you feel these changes were presented & executed?

  Extremely well thought out & handled. Clear & to the point. Average. Needed clarification. Disorganized & mishandled.
Explanation for the change.
Presentation of the change.
Execution of the change.
Sensitivity to parishioners.

Question Title

* 3. How would you describe the worship service I provide?

Spiritually void, but fufills the Sunday Mass requirement. Average Catholic Mass. Highly reverent & spiritual
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 4. As your pastor, my homilies are my primary tool for providing insight into the meaning of scripture & relating it to the lives of the parishioners.  How do you feel about the homilies I have presented?

Question Title

* 5. As Pastor, many decisions must be made that impact some or all of our parishioners.  When these occasions arise, how do you feel parishioner's thoughts & input are considered?

  Always true. Sometimes true. Never true.
The impact on ALL parishioners is thoughtfully considered.

The thoughts and opinions of all parishioners are listened to and considered.
The thoughts & opinions of the affected parishioners are listened to and considered.
The thoughts & opinions of a small group of parishioners are listened to and considered.
No parishioner input is welcomed.

Question Title

* 6. Pastors are often very busy people with demanding schedules, but it is important to be accessible to our parishioners.  How have you found my availability to listen to & discuss your concerns? (Click on the star that represents your response.  All previous stars will also light up for scoring purposes)

Question Title

* 7. Pastors often have a lot on their minds and can get absorbed in their thoughts. How approachable do you find me when you have a concern you would like to address? (Click on the star that represents your response.  All previous stars will also light up for scoring purposes.)

Question Title

* 8. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses in life, but the impact on others can sometimes be substantial.  Please offer your opinion on how I rank on these personal characteristics.

  Very strong Strength No opinion Weakness Very weak
Communication skills

Question Title

* 9. Thank you for your honest feedback.  I hope to learn from your comments and improve the parish experience for everyone.  If you have any specific thoughts that were not covered in the survey that will help to improve my skills as your pastor, please feel free to include them here.