Question Title

* 1. Respondent Name

Question Title

* 2. Respondent Title (Mr., Ms., or Mrs.)

Question Title

* 3. Respondent Job Title

Question Title

* 4. Respondent Organization

Question Title

* 5. Respondent Country

Question Title

* 6. Respondent Email

Question Title

* 7. In general, are business sectors in your country familiar with the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, does business associations/sectors in your country are prepared for the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 9. What support (policies) would businesses in your country need from the EU to mitigate the impacts of the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 10. Any specific measures and/or actions already taken by business associations
/ sectors in reaction to the EU Green Deal? (Please Specify below)

Question Title

* 11. Which is the main hurdle business associations see in dealing with the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 12. In your country, what are the perceived challenges by companies to deal with the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 13. Please specify activities undertaken in relation to the EU Green Deal conducted by business association in your country:

Question Title

* 14. Any plans from business associations for financial support to be provided to sectors that are most affected by the EU Green Deal and Circular Economy plans? If yes, kindly explain below…

Question Title

* 15. Any plans for targeting Employees to raise their capacities to better adapt and deal with the EU Green Deal and Circular economy?

Question Title

* 16. How much do business associations know about the circular economy?

Question Title

* 17. What are the plans to mainstream circular economy approach in the industrial strategy?

Question Title

* 18. Any plans for developing a comprehensive policy for sustainable consumption— including an ambitious reduction target in per-capita material footprint by 2050?
 If yes, please explain

Question Title

* 19. Any plans to align national agricultural policy with the Farm to Fork Strategy of the EU and ensure overall alignment of national strategic plans with the EU’s long-term sustainability strategies?

Question Title

* 20. In general, does existing “business models” allow for a shift towards a “circular economy model”?

Question Title

* 21. Which measures and/or indicators do businesses observe in their businesses should lead them away from their linear "business as usual" models and towards circular economy?  i.e. how they are working to move from the concept to action?

Question Title

* 22. With regard to the EU Green Deal and circular economy, what are possible entry points for entrepreneurs and start-ups? What is the scale of businesses and what are the challenges at various entry points?

Question Title

* 23. Any specific incentives for start-ups in green businesses by the government? If yes, kindly specify

Question Title

* 24. Do businesses take  steps to reduce the generation of waste and emissions? Do they promote longer lifecycles and re-use of products? Kindly give examples below

Question Title

* 25. Which actions is your country taking to mitigate the impacts of energy crisis? 

Question Title

* 26. Please rate how much the policy area of the Green deal is a top priority for your country

  Irrelevant Low priority Normal priority Important Very important
Adaptation to climate change
Biodiversity protection and nature restoration
Circular economy
Emission reduction
Energy efficiency
Pollution reduction
Renewable energy (solar, wind) production
Green hydrogen
Sustainable agriculture
Green buildings
Sustainable food production and consumption
Green mobility

Question Title

* 27. Please indicate implementation status of different Green policies

  Being implemented To be further promoted Not implemented yet
Biodiversity protection and nature restoration
Circular economy
Emission reduction
Energy efficiency
Pollution reduction
Renewable energy (solar, wind) production
Green hydrogen
Sustainable agriculture
Green buildings
Sustainable food production and consumption
Green mobility

Question Title

* 28. Please reorder the sources of financing for Green projects in your country being number 1 is most common

Question Title

* 29. Does your country have a climate/energy/environment plan for the following policies? 

  Yes, the plan is already operational We are working to prepare such plan No, we do not have such a plan but intend to have it No, we do not have such a plan and we do not intend to have it I don't know
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy (solar, wind) production
Biodiversity protection and nature restoration
Pollution reduction
Emission reduction
Green mobility
Green hydrogen
Green buildings
Circular economy
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable food production and consumption

Question Title

* 30. Does your country have concrete targets for implementing the EU Green Deal? Kindly mention target or percentage/year next to the following (if applicable)

Question Title

* 31. The initial list of goods covered by the CBAM contains selected products in the cement, electricity, fertilizers, iron and steel, and aluminum sectors. Are these business sectors aware of CBAM requirements in your country?

Question Title

* 32. What are the measures that businesses are taken to deal with CBAM? Please kindly specify.

Question Title

* 33. What are the measures taken by the government to deal with CBAM in your country? Please kindly specify

Question Title

* 34. Does your country apply any form of carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes?

Question Title

* 35. What are the carbon emissions intensive goods that are exported to the EU from your country?

Question Title

* 36. Can CBAM be of benefit to business sectors in your country? How?

Question Title

* 37. Would CBAM negatively affect your country’s competitive trading advantage (compared to countries to Africa, Asia for instance)?

Question Title

* 38. Which elements do you see missing in the EU Green Deal approach in your country? 

Question Title

* 39. What are  top three exporting sectors from your country to the EU in 2021? (1 is the top exporting sector)

Question Title

* 40. What are the main obstacles of exporting fruits, vegetables to EU?

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* 41. Do you export any raw materials to the EU? Such as barite, bauxite, cobalt, graphite, lithium, aluminum, steel… etc.
If yes, kindly specify?

Question Title

* 42. Do you export oil or natural gas to the EU?

Question Title

* 43. EU has established the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, whose strategy includes securing 40 gigawatts of hydrogen imports from non-EU countries by 2030. If you have any plans for green hydrogen fuel in your country, kindly provide project name/s

Question Title

* 44. Does your government have any current or near future plans for carbon pricing? If yes, kindly explain

Question Title

* 45. Any current projects or plans for clean energy hardware industries, such as battery and solar photovoltaic manufacturing plants, green hydrogen, batteries, fuel cells, wind turbines, and PVs, EVs? Kindly explain

Question Title

* 46. Any plans for electric vehicles (EV)?

Question Title

* 47. What target/percentage of EV and by which year?

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* 48. What are the grid connected countries with your country currently?

Question Title

* 49. Any near-future plans for the grid connection with neighbor countries? If yes, please explain.

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* 50. Any specific planned polices/measures and or actions by governments in reaction to the EU Green Deal?

Question Title

* 51. Any other suggestions/comments/additions/remarks (Please share any other comments that you feel will be helpful)