Chi Commissions Survey

1.Have you ordered from me before?
2.If you've ordered from me before, what did you buy? (You may select multiple)
3.What type of art are you generally interested in commissioning from artists? (You may select multiple)
4.Do you believe current price listings to be fair? (Not including Paypal's fee)
5.Are current turnaround times consistent?
6.Currently, works are completed in the order they are received. Invoices are not sent for payment until a client has been reached in the queue. This could mean an extended wait time (example, there are 5 people ahead of you. You will not be asked for payment until the other 5 are complete, and the timer for turnaround will not begin until payment is received). Do you believe this system to be fair?
7.Would you want to see a new add-on for commissions added for backgrounds specifically? (Backgrounds would incur an additional charge. Otherwise, all commissions will be assumed to not include one unless described in future forms)
8.Do you believe my Terms of Service, including listed rules, DOs, and DONTs, to be clear, concise, and agreeable?
9.If you have commissioned me in the past, have you been satisfied with your service/received product?
10.Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at You may use this section for any additional comments, concerns, or feedback.