Thank you for your interest in attending the HeartKids Teen Camp!

Note: All costs for campers are paid for by HeartKids, including flights, transport, accommodation, meals and activities.

We look forward to getting to know you through this application.

This form must be fully completed for each camper and submitted by the campers parent/ legal guardian/ carer/ health professional.

Before starting this application form, you will need to have ready:
- Completed Doctor's Form - Attached in this email
This needs to be filled by the camper's Cardiologist or family doctor who knows the camper's medical history well. You can call/email your cardiologist or their secretary/receptionist to complete this form. It is not always a requirement for you to attend an appointment with your Cardiologist to complete this form.
Please complete this application form at your earliest convenience to secure the camper's place at Teen Camp.

If you have any questions about the application and selection process, please contact Amy Heafield at HeartKids on
0431 544 510 or