We need your support and participation to continue to make progress in the area of loan forgiveness. Social work loan forgiveness programs can help address workforce shortages, improve access to services in underserved areas, promote public service values, reduce financial barriers to education, support the retention of experienced professionals, and enhance overall job satisfaction within the social work profession. We are collecting information and testimonials from social workers in need of loan forgiveness in order to expand legislation and gain support from elected officials.

All questions are optional.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your race?

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* 4. What is your highest degree earned?

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* 5. What year did you graduate from your educational program?

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* 6. How many years of experience in the social work field do you have?

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* 7. Is your current place of employment in New York State?

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* 8. Last or current place of employment:

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* 9. What primary population do you work with?

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* 10. How many hours do you work per week?

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* 11. What was your starting salary in your current role?

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* 12. What is your current salary?

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* 13. Have you received COLA (Cost-of-living adjustment) Salary adjustments?

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* 14. If answered yes to Question #13, please state how many years and the amount received per year

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* 15. Have you received merit increases?

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* 16. If answered yes to Question #15, please state how many years and the amount received per year

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* 17. Do you feel your current salary is commensurate with your job responsibilities?

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* 18. If answered no to Question #17, what is the salary range you feel you ought to be earning?

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* 19. How much student loan debt do you currently have?

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* 20. Do you know the total amount that is owed for your student loan(s)?

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* 21. How much are your monthly loan repayments?

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* 22. How many times have you missed a loan repayment?

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* 23. How has educational debt financially impacted your life? Please provide an example(s).

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* 24. How does (potential) loan forgiveness align with your long-term career goals concerning the clients and communities you serve?

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* 25. How does (potential) loan forgiveness impact your job satisfaction and commitment to the field?

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* 26. How does loan forgiveness impact your ability to pursue further education/training?

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* 27. Please provide your email if you would like to receive follow up information about our advocacy work and updates related to loan forgiveness.