Anti-violence Crisis Line Volunteer Application Question Title * 1. What is your:(Please include your preferred name) Name: Pronouns: Address: City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Email Address: Phone Number: Question Title * 2. What relevant education/employment/training/lived experience and/or volunteer experience do you have that would make you a suitable volunteer for the Anti-Violence Crisis Line? Question Title * 3. Do you identify as a feminist? if so, what does being a feminist mean to you? Question Title * 4. Can you please describe a bias you have about sexual assault and/or domestic violence? Question Title * 5. Why do you think sexual assault and domestic violence occur? Question Title * 6. What skills and experience are you hoping to obtain while being an Anti-Violence Crisis Line volunteer? Question Title * 7. What do you think will be most challenging about being an Anti-Violence Crisis Line volunteer? Question Title * 8. What is your greatest strength and an area you would like to grow in? Question Title * 9. The training requires extensive commitment, there will be weekday trainings in the evenings as well as weekend sessions. Is this something you are able to commit to? Yes No Question Title * 10. Volunteers are asked to commit to taking 4 shifts per month (evening shifts are 5:00pm - 11:59pm and 12:00am - 8:00am and weekend shifts are 8:00am - 5:00pm, 5:00pm - 11:59pm and 12:00am - 8:00am). Is this something you are able to do? Yes No Question Title * 11. Once you are trained and ready to start volunteering, are you able to commit to being a volunteer for at least one year? Yes No Question Title * 12. Please provide 3 references: Name, email, relationship: Name, email, relationship: Name, email, relationship: Question Title * 13. Are there any special instructions for contacting your references? Question Title * 14. KSACC requires all volunteers to have a vulnerable sector criminal record check, is this something you would be able and willing to complete? Yes No Question Title * 15. Have you accessed KSACC's services in the past 2 years? Yes No Done