Student Survey on Assessment Practices in the Classroom

Thank you for taking this survey. 
The results will be used as the high school and middle school look at testing practices for grades 7-12.
Please answer each question. If you feel you have no answer, select N/A not applicable

Question Title

* 1. Why do you think that you have tests, quizzes, projects, essays, and  homework? 
Please answer each question. The choices are 1)Never 2)Occasionally 3)Often 4)Always and 5)N/A Doesn't apply.

  Never in  any of my classes Occasionally in some of my classes Often in most of my classes Always in all of my classes N/A I can't answer this question because it doesn't apply to my courses
The real purpose of assessments in my classes  is to help me to learn. 
The real purpose of assessments is for me to measure my progress.
The real purpose of assessments is to make sure everyone is learning in the class. 
The real purpose of assessments is to get a grade for the report card.
My course work will help me to succeed in college or my chosen career after I graduate.
My course work connects to real life experiences.

Question Title

* 2. How do you use the results of assessments? Consider the grades, the written feedback or the spoken words of the teacher and what you do after getting your work back.

  Never in any of my classes Occasionally in some of my classes Often in most of my classes Always in all of my classes N/S 
I use feedback to help me make my work better 
I use feedback to help me make my work better by revising the written work and submitting it for a better grade
I use feedback to help me make my work better by studying the material again and taking a second test
All I care about is the grade and once I get it, I'm finished with the material, no matter what the grade is.
I am an advocate for my success and I ask for help when needed. 
The feedback from my teacher helps me understand what type of help to ask for.
I care deeply about learning and do my best work
I care mostly about grades and don't think about how much I've learned
When most of the class has done badly on an assessment, the teacher re-teaches us so that we learn the material well
I don't do my best on tests and assignments because they make me too anxious to think clearly
My grades don't reflect how much I know; I know more than I show in tests and assignments

Question Title

* 3. How much effort do you put into preparing your assignments and assessments?

  Never in any of my classes Occasionally in some of my classes Usually in most of my classes Always in all of my classes N/A
I work hard 
I work hard to get a good grade
I work hard because learning is important to me
I work hard because I like the teacher

Question Title

* 4. What kinds of assessments do you have in your classes?

  Never in any of my classes Occasionally in some of my classes Usually in most of my classes Always in all of my classes N/A
I have many different kinds of assessments in my classes:  tests, quizzes, essays, presentations, discussions, or projects.
I can earn a better grade on an assessment by revising it or taking it a second or third time.
I always can predict my grade on assessments because they measure what I know about what has been taught.
Assessments are too difficuclt in my classes
Assessments are too easy in my classes

Question Title

* 5. Consider the "standardized" assessments you have taken, the MCAS, SAT, AP, and IB.  NOTE: All may not apply to all students. If you  have not taken a specific test, select N/A for your answer.

  Not at all true Somewhat true Mostly true Compeletely true NjA I have not taken this standardized test
The MCAS test is a fair test of what I've learned in ELA
The MCAS is a fair test of what I've learned in math
The MCAS is a fair test of what I've learned in science
The PSAT is a fair test of what I've learned in all my subjects
The SAT is a fair test of what I've learned in English
The SAT is a fair test of what I've learned in math
The SAT is a fair test of what I've learned in science and social studies
AP and/or IB assessments that I take in class help me to succeed in the AP and/or IB external exams
The AP and/or IB assessments that I take at the end of the course are a fair assessment of what I've learned in that AP and/or IB class

Question Title

* 6. Consider your attendance at school

  Not at all true Somewhat true Mostly true Completely true N/A
Missing school impacts my ability to succeed
I believe that it is important for me to go to school every day
My teachers care about my attendance
I can still pass my classes if I miss a lot of school
My parents expect me to go to school every day
I worry about missing too much school
I think it is hard to get caught up if I miss a week of school
My teachers are always willing to work with me to make up work if I am out of school
It is clear to me what the school's expectations are about attendance

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate the grade that you are in now.