The Art of Likability Listener Survey Question Title * 1. What is your first name? OK Question Title * 2. What is your last name? OK Question Title * 3. What's your primary email? OK Question Title * 4. What is your gender? Female Male Other (specify) OK Question Title * 5. What is your age? 17 or younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or older OK Question Title * 6. Please describe your race/ethnicity. OK Question Title * 7. What kind of profession are you in? OK Question Title * 8. What is your professional title? OK Question Title * 9. What area are you most interested in using likability in? Professional Interpersonal Romantic Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 10. If I could give you a magic wand, and you could wave it over yourself and produce the absolute best result in your life from leveraging likability, what would you want to see happen in your life? OK Question Title * 11. What is your biggest problem or frustration with the topic of likability? OK Question Title * 12. What kinds of episodes do you like the most from The Art of Likability Podcast? Short episodes (15 minutes) Interview Style (1 hour) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 13. Would you be interested in paying for the following content created by Arel Moodie (check all that apply): Online classes In person events Group Coaching coaching with other members by Arel Moodie Live Webinars One-On-One Coaching with Arel Moodie Ebooks Audio Courses OK Question Title * 14. Would you be interested in purchasing an online course entitled "How to Start and Keep a Conversation Going with Anyone"? Yes No Maybe OK Question Title * 15. Please share anything your like us to know about how you use our content, how it's helped you, what you wish we would do that we are not. This is your chance to say whatever you'd like! OK DONE