Best Practices in Pediatrics 2018 | Comment Form

Please complete and submit by 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 3

Question Title

* 1. Provide name to be entered into Echo Dot drawing

Question Title

* 2. Have we cared for any of your patients at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in the last 24 months?

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* 3. Please rate Children's Hospital of Wisconsin as it relates to the following:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor N/A
The Availability of Providers to See Your Patients in a Timely Manner
The Ease of the Referral Process
Your Relationship with the Providers
Communication When INPATIENT Care is Provided
Communication When OUTPATIENT Care is Provided
Communication When ED Care is Provided
Convenience of Location for Your Patients
Your Patients' Satisfaction with Specialty Providers
The Accessibility of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Providers by Phone
Returning Your Patients Back to You for Follow-Up Care
Treating You as a Valued Member of the Care Team
Involving You in Medical Decision Making
The Courtesy and Respect Shown to You

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* 4. Overall, would you say your impression of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin is:

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* 5. What would you say is the MAIN reason you feel it is NOT "Excellent" or "Very Good"