Question Title

* 1. Cross-border payments are often described as difficult and there are efforts underway to improve the process. We’d like to know your view on how much progress has been made to date in mitigating the pain points listed below.

  More Work Needed Some Progress Fully Solved
Payment system differences 
Inability to track payments globally
Lack of pricing transparency
Lack of global interoperability 
Different message formats
High costs
Timeframe to complete payment

Question Title

* 2. The ability to make real-time transfers from one account to another is rapidly becoming the new normal in domestic payments systems. In your view, how important is the ability to interconnect domestic systems to achieve real-time, cross-border payments?

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the different use cases as well as channels that comprise cross-border payment below, how important is having an instant, credit push capability for growth in these areas?

  Key Enabler One of Many Channels Not Important
Peer to Peer (P2P)
Bill Payments (P2B)
Invoice Payments (B2B)
Income Payments (B2C)
Merchant Payment (POS)
Remote Payments (eCommerce)

Question Title

* 4. We’d like to know your view on the business issues that real-time, cross-border payment could help resolve. Which is the most important reason for your organization?

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* 5. What do you think is the most important obstacle to implementing cross-border, real-time payments?

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* 6. Payment finality means that the sender cannot reverse or contest a payment once it is originated. This is often considered a key contributor to lowering costs in a payment system. Do you believe that payment finality will become a widely-practiced rule in real-time, cross-border payments?

Question Title

* 7. There are a number of initiatives underway today to improve cross-border payment. Thinking about the types of initiatives below, what is your view on the ability of each to truly resolve the pain points of cross-border payments?

  This is The Solution Certainly Has Potential Limited Potential
Closed-loop schemes (e.g. PayPal, Alipay, WeChat)
Correspondent banking (e.g. SWIFT’s Gpi)
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. Ripple)
Implementing regional integration schemes (e.g. Single Euro Payment Area)
Mobile money (e.g. Safaricom’s M-Pesa)
Money transmitters (e.g. TransferWise)
Virtual currencies (e.g. Bitcoin)

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* 8. We’d like to know a little more about you. Which category best describes your company or organization? (choose one)

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* 9. Which region do you live in? (choose one)