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1. How long have you been producing podcasts?

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2. How much do you invest in producing and managing your podcast each month?

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3. Please rate the following hosting and editing features on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not at all important in your show's success and 5 being critical to the show's success

  1 (least important) 2 3 4 5 (most important)
Video capabilities
Licensed music library
Editing tools
Out-of-the-box webpage
Audience/performance analytics 
Coaching/mentorship on show production
Advertising support and marketplace

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4. How interested would you be in getting these products for free, if the platform you used sold ads on your behalf and got a portion of the ad revenue from those sales?

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5. How interested would you be in support for marketing and growing your show's audience, if the platform you used sold ads on your behalf and got a portion of the ad revenue from those sales?

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6. Where did you learn how to produce a podcast? Check all that apply.

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7. When you were learning how to produce a podcast, how would you rate the resources you used (YouTube, podcast academy, etc.)?

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8. How interested would you be in direct help and training on better producing, editing and distributing your show, in exchange for sharing some of your revenue from ad sales?

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9. Would you be willing to pay a monthly fee for direct coaching and mentorship in how to produce your show and grow your audience?

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10. What would you pay per month for individual coaching from mentors and automated insights in how to better produce and grow your show?

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11. Can we contact you again to participate in future surveys and focus groups?

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12. What is your email address? This question does not require a response.