Community Centres SA is committed to developing and delivering quality adult education and professional development for the sector.

As a participant of this course, your feedback is highly valued and essential for our continuous improvement.

This survey is estimated to take 2 to 3 minutes and we thank you for your time in completing this course evaluation.

Question Title

* 1. Completing the Community Needs Analysis online course ... (please give a rating to each of the following statements)

  Not at all A little Quite a bit A lot Very much
Improved my understanding of the CNA Toolkit and the role it plays in community work
Increased my confidence in collecting quantitative (measurable) data for a CNA
Increased my confidence in collecting qualitative (subjective) data for a CNA
Increased my confidence to engage with individuals and community groups for the purpose of a CNA
Increased my ability to implement a CNA for my centre or organisation

Question Title

* 2. How do you rate the training resources (links, videos, PDFs) within the course?

Question Title

* 3. This course met my training and/or professional development needs.

Question Title

* 4. How likely is it that you will recommend this training to others?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any feedback about your overall experience or suggestions for improvement?