Covid-19 Business Impact Survey Grass Valley

As the economic effects of the pandemic surface, the Grass Valley Downtown Association and the Greater Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce will be continually collecting data and information from our businesses. The data collected from these surveys will be used to document to state legislators, press, and to our local elected officials on the types of resources needed by businesses, artists and individuals.  We have put together a COVID-19 Impact Survey to gather information on what effects the outbreak has had on your business up to this point. The information you provide will be critical in our continued response in assisting the business community.

Please take a moment to answer the following questions. All information will be reported in general terms and individual business information will remain confidential.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Click HERE for resources and guidance for employers on the Coronavirus Outbreak.

What type of information and/or support do you need the most right now?  How can we assist you during this time?
Email us at or call 530-798-9690

Question Title

* 2. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, how many employees did you have?  How many do you have now?

Question Title

* 3. At this point in time, what level of impact has this had on your business? (choose one)

Question Title

* 4. How has COVID-19 affected sales/revenue in your business so far this year, and what impact do you expect in the near future?

  -75% -50% -25% neutral +25% +50% +75% Don't know yet
Sales/revenue to date in 2020
Sales/revenue expected over the coming month
Sale/revenue expected over the next six months

Question Title

* 5. What aspect of your business are you most concerned about?

Question Title

* 6. Have you had to furlough or layoff employees?

Question Title

* 7. Do you anticipate a reduction in workforce?

Question Title

* 8. To maintain customer base, my business is (select all that apply and see Other if interested in marketing help, online skills):

Question Title

* 9. Are you anticipating any of the following in the next 30 days (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 10. Have you applied for government relief through the CARES act and what is your status?:

  Have Not Applied Applied Pending Approved Received a loan
Paycheck Protection Program
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance
Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance -Advance