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NCH survey

This survey is designed to identify a) what you think should be priorities for homelessness prevention advocates and b) what you find to be challenges in serving people who are homeless.  Thanks for taking this short survey now.  The results will be posted later on the NCH website. 

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Which best describes your relationship with the National Coalition for the Homeless?

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* 3. Which best reflects your housing situation?

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* 4. Which best reflects your employment situation?

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* 5. Here are a list of advocacy priorities.  All of them may be important, so please rank your position on which are most important.

  Extremely important Very important Important  Somewhat important Not important
Stop police arresting or harassing homeless people
More services for people with disabilities
More transportation assistance
More Investment in public housing
More mental health services
Greater education assistance for children
Work with businesses to prevent discrimination of homeless people
Free or reduced fees for, or more assistance with, replacing or obtaining IDs
More funding for Housing Trust Fund
Cheaper and better private health insurance
Greater employment opportunities
Fight for higher minimum wage
More food assistance
Make discrimination against homeless people illegal
More support for families and children
Ensure voucher holders can access more housing & better neighborhoods
More support for veterans
Stop criminalizing homelessness (outlawing sleeping in public, public food sharing, panhandling)
Provide more available housing units
A Universal Basic Income
Universal housing vouchers
Universal health insurance/medicare for all
More substance abuse assistance
More support for unaccompanied youth
More child care assistance
Promote Homeless Persons Bill of Rights legisation
More education and training assistance for adults
More support for homeless elders

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* 6. Where should advocates target their efforts in homelessness prevention? 

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* 7. Please tell us about your attempts to share your experiences or views on homelessness with community leaders.

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* 8. What services do most applicants need?

  All Most Some A few None or almost none
Help finding housing
Help paying for housing
Help paying for utilities
Medical care
Mental health services
Substance abuse services
Legal assistance
Helping find employment
Work-related issues
Non-food essentials (diapers, feminine supplies, toilet paper, soap, razors, etc)
Police issues
Landlord issues
Family/friends/neighbors issues

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* 9. These questions pertain to life in shelters. What are challenges you've observed when being in, or running, shelters?  Rank these observations according to which you think are the greatest, or least, challenges.

  Extremely challenging Very challenging Somewhat challenging Not very challenging
Cultural competence of shelter workers
Sensitivity of shelter workers
Grievance procedures in shelters 
Treating residents with dignity and respect
Physical privacy of residents
Privacy about residents personal information
Storage of residents possessions
Training of staff before hired
On-site training of staff 
Monitoring and supervision of staff 
Monitoring of clients
Effectiveness of shelter rules
Time residents are to come, go and stay (daily)
Time residents are allowed to stay at the shelter (longer term)
Hoop-jumping for residents in order to get services
Cherry-picking or creaming of  potential residents
Inappropriate language/behavior of staff with residents
Inappropriate language/behavior of residents with staff
Staff pay and benefits
Inappropriate sexual behavior of residents
Inappropriate sexual behavior of staff
Substance use by residents
Substance use by staff

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* 10. These questions pertain to finding secure housing in the community. What are challenges you've observed when trying to prevent people from becoming homeless?  Rank these observations according to which you think are the greatest, or least, challenges.

  Extremely challenging Very challenging Somewhat challenging Not too challenging
Coming up with rent deposits
Landlord complaints 
NIMBY neighborhood response
Finding affordable, accessible housing

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* 11. When you are assessing potential residents/clients, what is your opinion of what happens?

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* 12. If people come to you that are denied service or that you cannot serve, what do you do with/for them?

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* 13. What are the things that you feel advocates should be doing to help homeless people in general to prevent future homelessness?

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* 14. What do you think are the biggest obstacles that organizations face in working with people who are homeless or trying to prevent future homelessness?

0 of 14 answered