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* 1. Have you updated to MSDK 4.13 version?

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* 2. Why you have/havn't updated to MSDK 4.13 version?

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* 3. The following options are  MSDK 4.14 version highlight features. Which of the following features do you prefer?

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* 4. Which of the following features are you using now?

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* 5. What is the biggest issue when you tried to integrate MSDK in your project?

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* 6. How would you rate your experience with MSDK? (10 means best)

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* 7. What's your positive feedbacks on MSDK?

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* 8. What's your negative feedbacks on MSDK?

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* 9. What feature would you expect to support by MSDK in future?

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* 10. What DEMO of MSDK would you expect in future?

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* 11. Which drone would you expect to support by MSDK in future?