1. BBF Regional Needs Assessment

Building Bright Futures (BBF), is a statewide network working to promote the importance of early childhood education and services in Vermont. As part of its strategic planning process this year, BBF is working in each of its 12 regions to develop a regional plan that is aligned with Vermont's Early Childhood Action Plan, released by Governor Peter Shumlin in March 2014.

BBF is using a Theory of Change approach to plan our work around the outcomes and impact we want to achieve. This will help us think systematically about why BBF uses the strategies it does to accomplish change; the assumptions that are at the basis of our programming; and the types of evidence that are necessary to illustrate the impact of our work. Your participation will help guide our Theory of Change planning and preparation. This will also help assist BBF in guiding this important discussion and ensure that we consider a broad range of opinions. If you have any questions please contact your BBF Regional Coordinator: Chad Simmons at 802.451.8627 or csimmons@buildingbrightfutures.org

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