To enter the Food Heroes Video Contest, a student must submit an entry using this online form. This submission form is for students participating in the Classroom category.

Before submitting your entry, please read all contest rules & guidelines at

Question Title

* 1. Classroom Information:

Question Title

* 2. Teacher's Contact Information (for award notification)

Question Title

* 3. Please paste the link to your video here:

Teacher Signature:
By entering your name below you, the teacher, represent:

You, the teacher, represent

I have read the contest rules,

that I am responsible for the created content and have all necessary permissions necessary for material used in the content,

I agree that my likeness may be used,

I have obtained the permission of others in my video whose likeness appears.

(for featured student under the age of 18) that I have parent or legal guardian’s permission to submit the information for the contest,

I have followed all federal, state, and local regulations regarding student privacy.

Question Title

* 4. Teacher Signature [please type your name to indicate you agree to the above statement]:

Question Title

* 5. Please enter the date:
