This anonymous survey is for the project ‘Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination’ (DEMAC) and it assesses the extent to which Sierra Leonean diasporas based in the United Kingdom have been involved in humanitarian interventions in their country of origin/country of heritage. If your answer does not appear in the list of choices, tick ‘other’ and specify. *Humanitarianism, according to the Good Humanitarian Donorship, is generally defined as “aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of man-made crises and natural disasters, as well as prevent and strengthen preparedness of such situations.” It is guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

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* 1. Age

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Region of Origin/Region of Heritage

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* 4. Ethnicity of Origin/Ethnicity of Heritage

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* 5. Country of Residence

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* 6. How long have you lived outside your country of origin/country of heritage?

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* 7. Are you a first, second, third generation, etc., Sierra Leonean outside your country of origin/country of heritage?

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* 8. Do you belong to any diaspora network(s) and/or organisation(s)?

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* 9. What is the nature of the humanitarian crisis in your country of origin/country of heritage? (tick all that apply)

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* 10. Have you as an individual provided any humanitarian assistance to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries? (tick all that apply)

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* 11. If yes, for how long have you provided humanitarian assistance?

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* 12. Have your network(s)/organisation(s) provided any humanitarian assistance to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries?

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* 13. If yes, for how long has your network/organisation provided humanitarian assistance?

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* 14. Where is your humanitarian intervention targeted?

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* 15. Who has benefitted from your humanitarian assistance? (tick all that apply)

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* 16. What are your categories of humanitarian intervention? (tick all that apply)

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* 17. How do you assess the needs, areas of intervention and intended recipients to support? (tick all that apply)

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* 18. What has motivated you to provide humanitarian assistance to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries? (tick all that apply)

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* 19. What is the nature of your humanitarian involvement in your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries? (tick all that apply)

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* 20. Do you work alone, with other actors from your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries, or with others not from your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries?

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* 21. How do you (and/or your collaborators) fund your humanitarian intervention efforts? (tick all that apply)

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* 22. How often have you sent money to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries in the past 24 months?

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* 23. How much money have you sent to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries in the past 24 months?

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* 24. What percentage of the money you sent in the past 24 months has been for emergency relief?

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* 25. How do your intended recipients get the money you send? (tick all that apply)

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* 26. Do you send additional cash payments in humanitarian situations?

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* 27. If yes, what are your cash payments used for in humanitarian situations in your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries? (tick all that apply)

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* 28. How often have you sent relief supplies to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries in the past 24 months?

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* 29. What kinds of relief supplies have you sent to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries in the past 24 months? (tick all that apply)

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* 30. How much money have you raised in humanitarian situations to support your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries in the past 24 months?

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* 31. How do you ensure the money and/or supplies you send to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries are being used as intended? (tick all that apply)

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* 32. How many Sierra Leonean diaspora network(s) and/or organisation(s) are you active in in the United Kingdom, if applicable?

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* 33. What kind of diaspora network(s) and/or organisation(s) are you actively participating in in the United Kingdom, if applicable? (tick all that apply)

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* 34. How large is the main diaspora network and/or organisation to which you belong, if applicable?

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* 35. What is the nature of your media outreach? (tick all that apply)

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* 36. What is the nature of your political and/or social campaigning? (tick all that apply)

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* 37. How do you measure the impact of your work? (tick all that apply)

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* 38. Have you made attempts to coordinate with other humanitarian and/or non-humanitarian actors?

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* 39. What have been the major obstacles to providing humanitarian assistance to your country of origin/country of heritage and/or neighbouring countries, if applicable? (tick all that apply)

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* 40. What would assist you in improving your humanitarian efforts? (tick all that apply)

Thank you for completing this survey!