
Dear tango friends! Thank you so much for making the "M2" a success. It couldn't have worked without you! We continue to refine the format of the Retreat and we need your help in understanding what works and what needs to be done differently, to make the future Mountain Milongas even better! 

The 2019 dates have been set to August 2nd - 5th. To stay in the loop please consider "liking" our facebook page and/or following the Tango Retreat blog.

(All responses are public information. To view responses before starting a survey, please click here)

Question Title

* 1. Name? (It helps us to know who filled out this survey, but if you're uncomfortable with answering this question, you can use an alias or your city...)

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the place where you stayed / tell us if it is a good idea to keep using it next year

  Awful Poor Fair Good Excellent
Bunk-in cots (upstairs at the main venue)
Tango Dorm (Brighton Lodge quads)
Brighton Lodge private rooms
Music House private rooms
Music House bunk room
Escape private rooms
Escape bunk rooms
Nun's Cottage
Staying with the hosts in the valley
Camping (where?)

Question Title

* 3. Please rate our instructors and musicians. Unlike in 2017, we relied solely on the regional talent, and we need to hear from you if the plan worked

  Poor Fair Good Excellent
Tommy and Christian - technical classes
Grisha Nisnevich - musicality class
John and Jesica - technique and connection classes
Tommy Smith - Osvaldo Pugliese music workshop
Jesica Cutler - couples massage workshop
Jamie-Lynn Figure - Yoga classes
UTCA tango quartet
Grisha Nisnevich - Guitar
Phonograph Blue - Live Milonga Music
Patricia Becker - Tango Body Awareness

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the main venue - Wasatch Mountain Lodge. We plan to keep using it in the future, but we would like to prioritize issues, and to work on improvements!

  Awful Poor Fair Good Excellent
Floor size / quality
Seating space
Ease of finding the venue
Meal spaces
Lighting and ambiance
Sound quality
Massage space
Meal terrace

Question Title

* 5. Please rate our DJs. Your suggestions about next year's invitees are also welcome!

  Poor Fair Good Excellent
DJ Jurni - Friday opener
DJ and MCs Patrick & Lori - Friday Social Mixer
Lucia Petkovic - Friday Welcome Milonga
Tommy Smith - Saturday Practilonga
DJ Snap - Saturday Alternative
John Miller - Saturday Grand Milonga
DJ Serena - Sunday Milonga Serena
Grisha Nisnevich - Sunday Farewell Milonga 
Tango Jam on the Terrace
Dean Baumann - Monday Mystic Milonga

Question Title

* 6. How did we do with meals? As you noticed, we reintroduced all-volunteer kitchen teams, after an experiment with pro chefs in 2017. Did it work?

  Need much more! Need some more... Just the right quantity It was too much...
Breakfast / egg scrambles
Soups and stews
Burgers, tacos, casseroles
Mid-milonga snacks
Coffee / tea
Grilled meats (Asado night)
Grilled fruit and vegetables (Asado night)

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the outdoor trails and afterparty adventures

  Awful Poor Fair Good Excellent
"Milonga trail" to the venue
Three Lakes hike
Lake Lackawaxen hike and swim
Soaking at hot springs (Mystic)
Lodging at hot springs (Mystic)
Monroe City Park dinner and milonga (Mystic)
Petroglyphs (Fremont State Park)
Navajo Loop Trail (Bryce Canyon)
Red Canyon Sunset Dance
And now the real planning questions...

Question Title

* 8. Planning additional features and activities for 2019... for the "Retreat main menu" and for the Mystic Milonga Afterparty

  bad idea not important good idea must do it!
We struggled with gender balance due to cancellations and no-shows. Should we pre-register a core group of the strong, most reliable dancers to fix the problem?
Portable floor under a rain-proof tent?
Live music / extra jamming - please write in more details / suggestions!
Edible Mushrooms class
Overflow milonga in a satellite location
Goblin Valley State Park
Sunset hike in Arches Natl. Park (it is iconic but we'd only get back to Salt Lake after 2 am if we choose it...)
Bryce Canyon again 
Sunset adventure in Devils Kitchen area of Mount Nebo Scenic Loop (only 1.5 hours from Salt Lake, so it would make possible an early return to town)
Lloyd Dinosaur quarry

Question Title

* 9. Anything else you'd like to add? More suggestions or requests for the next time? Food types we missed / shouldn't have provided?