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* 1. Please identify the School you attend.

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* 2. My favorite place in school is (pick your top choice)

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* 3. Indicate the degree to which this statement describes how you feel:

  Always  Sometimes  Never  Don't Know
I enjoy coming to school 
I take pride in my school work
I feel safe at school

Question Title

* 4. On a scale of 1 to 4 (with 4 being the highest) indicate how much each statement describes your preferred way to learn:

  4  (Always) 3  (Somewhat) 2  (Not Often) 1  (Don't Know)
Reading things on my own
Listening to my teacher talk
Doing hands-on projects / activities
Working with other students in groups
Reviewing notes I've taken in class
Making models 
Making drawings or diagrams
Participating in class discussions
Using Technology

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* 5. Name at least two things in your classroom that support your learning:

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* 6. Name at least one thing in your classroom that get in the way of your learning:

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* 7. Describe your favorite activities you do now in your classroom:

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* 8. Describe any activities you'd like to do more of in your classroom space:

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* 9. Is there any technology you feel you need to boost your learning? If so, what is it and why do you need it?

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* 10. Answer the following question:
If you could change three things about your school, what would it be?

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* 11. I plan to go to college:

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100% of survey complete.