College Committee Interest

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information:

Question Title

* 2. I am interested in serving on the following committee(s):
(Choose no more than 3 and rank in order of preference with 1 being the highest interest)

  First Preference Second Preference Third Preference
Bankruptcy History Committee - The mission of the Committee is to help preserve the history of bankruptcy and insolvency practice in the United States, and to carry out the purposes set forth in the agreement between the College and the University of Pennsylvania Law School with respect to the establishment and administration of the National Bankruptcy Archives located at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Bankruptcy Policy Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to identify and analyze relevant issues and coordinate with other organizations, as appropriate, to enhance the quality and scope of the bankruptcy practice.
College Columns Committee (Newsletter) - The purpose of the Committee is to oversee publication, revision and maintenance of the College Columns.
Distinguished Law and Business Student Committee - The Distinguished Bankruptcy Law Student Program is one of the most celebrated and well-known programs of its kind. Each year, half of the Circuits actively seek the nomination of currently-enrolled, qualified law students with an interest and background in bankruptcy law to become designated as Distinguished Bankruptcy Law Students (with the other half of the Circuits participating the following year). After reviewing the nominations submitted by College Fellows or law school professors or deans, each Committee Member, with the support of his/her respective Committee and the Circuit Regent, vets the various nominations and identifies its Circuit’s selection of a Distinguished Bankruptcy Law Student. Each selected student is awarded an all-expense paid trip to attend the College Induction Ceremony and Annual Meeting, in addition to other appropriate recognition.
Distinguished Service Award Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to recommend to the Board of Directors the annual recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.
Educational Programs Committee (includes Circuit educational programs) - The purpose of the Committee is to identify professorships and other educational programs for College sponsorship and to develop other programs designed to further the educational purposes of the College.
Finance Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to provide oversight and advice on all financial aspects of the College, including, but not limited to, investment policy, monthly financial statement review, yearly audit, and budget.
International Committee - The College’s International Committee was created in 2007 to enhance the College’s international profile and to more fully engage the International Fellows of the College in the College’s initiatives and activities and to provide an opportunity for domestic Fellows of the College to participate in those activities and to have more opportunities to liaise with the College’s International Fellows.
Judicial Outreach Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate the involvement of more of the judge Fellows of the College in the College’s activities. (limited to sitting judges only, please)
Liaisons Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to serve as liaison to the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, the National Bankruptcy Conference, the American Bankruptcy Institute, the Commercial Law League, the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors (AIRA), the Business Bankruptcy Subcommittee of the Section of Business Law of the American Bar Association, and other bankruptcy organizations as may be determined by the Chair of the College. 
Meetings and Events Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to make arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the College in Washington, D.C., the Midyear Meeting of the College in conjunction with the meeting of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges and other regional, state and city meetings of the Fellows of the College.
Pro Bono Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to identify clinical and other community programs devoted to providing debt counseling and other legal services to low income families for sponsorship by the College.
Senior Fellows Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to provide resources to and from Senior Fellows to benefit each other, other Fellows, and the College as a whole.
Visibility Committee - The goal of the Visibility Committee is to develop and enhance public awareness outside the College of the good and valuable work of the College and Foundation, and the achievements of Fellows of the College. The target audience is generally within the professions of the Fellows and locally in the regions in which they live and work, and in the communities that benefit from the pro bono programs supported by grants from the College and Foundation.