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* 1. What are you currently studying? (Please include university and level of studies you're currently on. If you're at Board level, please include what university you studied through)

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* 2. Please provide your contact details (I will NOT add you to any newsletter or spam you or pass your details on to anyone else)

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* 3. Is this your first attempt at this level?

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* 4. How do you feel about your current level?

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* 5. Does this level feel different to past levels?

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* 6. How was school for you?

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* 7. Rate whether / how much you relate to these statements:

  I don't relate to this at all A little Quite a bit A lot. More in recent years than in the past Yup. This is me! N/A
I'm putting in the same, or more, effort in my studies, and getting worse results than the past
I'm worried that I might not be smart enough for this qualification / degree
I'm excited about my studies, and it shows in my study habits and exam performance
I find the work stimulating, challenging and am enjoying the increased application and integration of tests / exams
I have a fear of failure
I used to get things right pretty quickly. I don't seem to do that now. It worries me
I don't want my lecturers / fellow students to know I'm struggling
I worry that when I can't get stuff right fairly quickly, that it means I won't be able to do it
My subjects seem to require different things from me now, and I've gone from feeling good, to feeling bad
I feel like these levels of studying are more aligned with my style of thinking and working
I miss the feeling of 'knowing my work'
I'm worried that I can never seem to 'feel ready' for my tests and exams
If I don't get great marks, I worry what it means for my future career
I haven't felt 'comfortable' with my studying for a while, and it worries me

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* 8. How much / little does each statement about your studying apply to you?

  This is absolutely me Mostly A little Not really Not at all N/A
I'm on track, comfortable with my work and feel good about the year
I'm working hard, but can't seem to get to feeling ready for the exams
I generally do questions closer to the exam, because I need to finish my theory / revision first
I generally 'check' the memo if I'm doing a question I'm not sure of, because I don't want to waste time doing the wrong thing
I feel ok about failing questions when I study because I realise where I'm going wrong and realign my work
I don't want to ask for help unless I've spent a lot of time figuring it out myself
I worry that my lecturer will think I'm not smart, or not trying, if I ask questions
I'm frustrated when I can't get things right quickly
There are more discussion questions lately. I hate these. I struggle to do them

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* 9.  Which option most represents your response to this statement? "When I look at questions, the answer should be in my head... if I knew my theory well enough"

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* 10. How little / much can you relate to these statements that students make?

  That's me!!! ALL. THE. TIME! Quite a lot. More so in recent levels of studies Quite a lot... for most of my school and studies A little No, I've never felt this way N/A
"I need to know my theory very well, so I remember all the details and calculations"
"I'm excited to learn new topics and work on them"
"There's WAY too much work in the syllabus to be able to work through, and do questions on"
"I wish I could still cram for my exams like I used to be able to!"
"Do these lecturers / examiners WANT us to fail!?"
"I honestly don't like new topics because I'm so uncomfortable with everything already"
"Questions in the test were unfair because there were no questions like that in our material"
"I like to work with topics where I know the format / formula and can use it in similar questions"
"I like to work with topics where the knowledge isn't 'formatted / rules-based', and it works differently in every question"
"I like communication-type questions"
"I like calculation / format-based questions"
"When I get practice questions wrong, I feel that it means I won't get the exam questions right"
"I avoid doing practice questions because I hate the feeling of getting stuff wrong. I wait until I'm sure it'll be right"
"I spend more time on theory / revision during the year than on questions"
"I'm not actually sure what 'application' means! Lecturers are always on about it... but what does this MEAN for me?!"
"I do questions so that I have a bigger database of answers. In exams, I can use these to answer questions"
"I used to do well at school and earlier levels, I feel like something's gone wrong!"
"I should be able to get stuff right pretty quickly after going to class and learning it."
"Once I'm qualified, I'll know the answer to things, and I won't feel so stupid all the time!"
"I'm fine with discussion-type questions. They allow me to better represent my level of knowledge and skills"

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* 11. Let's talk STRESS! How much do you relate to these?

  Not at all A little Quite a bit A lot... but only in more recent levels A lot. All my studying life! N/A
"Sure, studying is stressful, but it's part of life, doesn't really impact me"
"I'm constantly stressed."
"I feel stupid most of the time"
"Stress is healthy, it helps me focus and helps me work harder"
"I'm way more than stressed. I'm anxious and close to burn-out"
"My stress gets in the way of my studying: Focus, concentration and constant worrying about how I'm doing"
"I'm stressed that I can't get stuff right, what if it means I shouldn't be doing this?"
"What will people think of me if they knew how I'm struggling?"

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* 12. Which statement do you relate to MOST when it comes to how YOU feel about confidence?

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* 13. Do you agree with this statement - "The reason I struggle with discussion questions is because I don't know my theory well enough"

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* 14. Which statements do you relate to in your studying?

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* 15. What do you wish your lecturer / examiner knew that they don't seem to know!

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* 16. Any other comments you want to make about your studying?

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