Parent/Guardian Survey on Seclusion/Restraint

Many states have codified the definition and use of seclusion and restraint in school settings. South Dakota does not have administrative rules or statutory language that specifically regulates the use of seclusion or restraint in school settings. There is, however…

•A reference to schools and the use of “physical force when reasonable and necessary” to control students on school premises (See S.D.C.L. 13-32-1)
•A definition of seclusion within the statutory framework pertaining to people with developmental disabilities. The statute references schools who receive public funds cannot engage in the practice of secluding a person with a developmental disability. Seclusion in this statute is defined as a “placement of a person alone in a room or other area from which egress is prevented…”  (See S.D.C.L. 27B-8-41)
•School district policies which may describe the use of seclusion and restraint.

South Dakota Advocacy Services (SDAS) is conducting this survey to find out how prevalent the use of seclusion and restraint is in South Dakota schools, and whether there is a need for state laws and rules to regulate the use of seclusion and restraint. We are looking for information from parents/guardians whose child was/is on an Individualized Education Program (IEP), and the child was/is restrained and /or placed in seclusion.

This survey has 10 questions and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

We thank you for your time in completing this survey. Please contact SDAS if you have any questions at 1-800-658-4782 (toll free in-state) or 605-224-8294

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* 1. Please list your name and contact information. If you want to remain anonymous, skip to Question 2.

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* 2. I found out about this survey from ...

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* 3. Please fill out the following information regarding the restraint/seclusion incident.

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* 4. What is your child's disability (mark all that apply)

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* 5. Please mark all that apply to your child:

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* 6. If you child was placed alone in a room (seclusion), please indicate all that apply

  Yes No
Could your child leave the room if he/she wanted to?
Was the door locked or held shut?
Was someone monitoring your child in the room?
Was the room ventilated, lit, and clean?
Was there a way to visually monitor the child?

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* 7. If your child was placed alone in a room (seclusion), please indicate about how many minutes.

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* 8. Has your child been injured at school because of seclusion or restraint?

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* 9. How did you find out about the seclusion or restraint incident?

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* 10. Is seclusion and/or restraint written into your child's IEP or some type of behavior plan?