Question Title

* 1. For Adults with ADHD
What would be most helpful to you? What kind of ADDitude content do you need or would you like to read, watch, or listen to right now?

Question Title

* 2. For Adults with ADHD
How are you managing working from home? Social distancing and isolation? Anxiety and general health? Please share any tips others would find helpful.

Question Title

* 3. For Parents of Children with ADHD
What would be most helpful to you or your family? What kind of ADDitude content do you need or would you like to read, watch, or listen to right now?

Question Title

* 4. For Parents of Children with ADHD
How are you managing working from home while the kids are home from school? Working with your children on a remote learning curriculum? Keeping your children active and busy while social distancing? Offering reassurance? Please share any tips other families would find helpful.

Question Title

* 5. Tell Us About You!
Please identify yourself so that we can attribute your comment(s) correctly if printed in a future issue of ADDitude. You may provide your first and last name, city, and state; first name and state only; or leave the fields blank if you prefer to remain anonymous. We will only use first names and state in online content.

NOTE: We will NOT publish your email address. We just ask for that if you would be willing to expand on your comments or we need to verify your responses.

By submitting a response, you give ADDitude the right to modify, publish, and reproduce your submission in the magazine, on its website, in e-newsletters, or in any ADDitude syndication, anthology, or electronic database. There is no payment. You certify that these are your own words and that you have not violated any copyright laws. If you'd prefer to respond anonymously, please leave the name and location fields above blank. If you provide any information, we'll assume that it's OK to include that when quoting you.