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Survey objectives

1. ESPGHAN is interested in understanding the frequency of presentation and spectrum of management of BB ingestion cases requiring gastroenterology procedures in ESPGHAN members countries in children aged <18 years in the last three years .
2. To describe the types of serious injuries sustained by children and their outcomes due to button battery ingestions
3. To describe the type of battery associated product, size and the localisation of the button battery injury
4. To gauge the diversity in management of button battery ingestion cases and awareness /compliance with ESPGHAN BBI Position paper (JPGN 2021)

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your specialty?

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* 2. Country of work and name of hospital/centre

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* 3. Since you have been in practice, please estimate the total number of patients with button battery ingestion (last 3 years)

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* 4. Do you believe case numbers are:

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* 5. How many deaths due to button battery ingestion have occurred in the same time period in your faculty (last 3 years)

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* 6. Where were the children when the button battery injury (ingestion/aspiration) occurred

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* 7. How many of the cases you listed above have you reported to any data source (i.e. poison centre, hotline, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, published medical literature, etc)?
PLEASE ENTER NUMERICAL VALUE ONLY - Please mention the data source and contact details in the comment box. If zero, please state 0

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* 8. Were the children treated with honey as first aid? (Oesophageal cases only >12mon of age and <12hr post ingestion)
how many of them had honey before endoscopic removal?

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* 9. Were the children treated with acetic acid after endoscopic removal (oesophageal cases only <12hr post ingestion)?

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* 10. How long did children usually stay in the hospital after the battery was removed?

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* 11. How soon on average do you start oral feeds after BBI in the oesophagus?

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* 12. Please estimate the size of the button battery/batteries involved: (Please select which size was ingested/inserted, enter number of batteries and model number (if known) and please include number of patients per size

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* 13. Were any of the ingested batteries coated with a bitterant? (Duracell released bitterant coated 20mm batteries in 2021)

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* 14. Do you place a NGT at the time of removal of button battery?

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* 15. Do you perform any contrast study 1-2 days after removal?

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* 16. In how many cases was chest CT/MRI performed to asses depth and location of BBI injury?

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* 17. Do you always have an emergency Sengstaken Blakemore tube to use in case of massive bleeding?

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* 18. Please indicate number of cases per outcome of button battery injury in oesophagus

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* 19. Are you aware of the ESPGHAN BBI position paper (JPGN January 2021)?
Link: Button Battery Ingestion position paper

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* 20. If Yes to the above, do you follow the recommendations of this position paper?

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* 21. ESPGHAN is interested in collecting more detailed prospective data on BBI cases involving ingestion as well as insertion and​ inhalation. Would your facility be interested in contributing to a future de-identified case data collection registry?

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* 22. Do you consent to being contacted by the ESPGHAN Button Battery Taskforce about the future multicentre ESPGHAN Button Battery registry?

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