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Survey Introduction

In the Honorable Michel Bastarache’s 178-page final report on the Implementation of the Merlo Davidson Settlement Agreement, titled Broken Dreams, Broken Lives: The Devasting Effects of Sexual Harassment on Women in the RCMP, 52 recommendations were made to the RCMP, which covered a variety of issues pertaining to systemic barriers, recruitment, training, postings, mental health, promotions, leadership, and more. 
In response to this report, the RCMP grouped its intended action plan into four encompassing areas: 
  • Harassment prevention and resolution
  • Addressing systemic barriers
  • Recruitment and onboarding
  • Training and leadership development 
The NPF’s WEWG has structured itself on the basis of these four pillars, not only to align with the RCMP, but also to ensure accountability to the RCMP's own action plan. Reviewing the recommendations of Hon. Bastarache and the progress of the RCMP since receiving this report will assist the WEWG in determining action items to be brought forth for the NPF’s consideration in the next Collective Agreement. The WEWG will also be policy change advocates within the RCMP, relying on the information and recommendations contained in the aforementioned reports.  

Survey Instructions:

The survey takes approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. Depending on the configuration of your computer or mobile device, you may or may not be able to pause and return to the survey. Your responses are anonymous, and only summary results will be reported. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact 
Thank you for taking the time to complete this very important survey, and we value your response. All the responses will be held in the strictest of confidence, and only aggregate data will be reported to the Women's Equity Working Group. 

Question Title

* 1. Gender: How do you identify?

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