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* 1. Please tell us the name of your Membership in our Project (For example: Your name, your organization's name, or your child;s name). In other words, how do you want your membership to be listed in our records?

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* 2. Please provide us a contact email.

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* 4. Please provide your best contact phone number.

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* 5. How do you prefer to be contacted? Please provide additional information in the "other" field if necessary.

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* 6. If you know anyone who might be interested in our purchasing collective, please get their permission and enter their name, phone and email address below.

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* 7. If you know of other buying clubs, collectives or organizations, please enter their name, phone number and email address below.

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* 8. If there is something specific you would like to purchase, please provide name of product, source, item number, price, phone number and website of source, if possible. Also be prepared to provide the rationale for purchase. (For example, it's bleach-free, it's the least hybrid nut or seed, it's proven healing abilities, and more.)

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* 9. Are you able to make a full or partial payment at this time? If unable to make payment to join the Collective, please still submit your application and information and you will be contacted regarding payment options, including working membership and sweat equity. (There are terms to this agreement and a finite number of working memberships exist, first come, first served.) First and foremost we must have a complete group of 10 fully-paid members in order to offer partial payment or sweat equity. Therefore, if you are unable to make a full payment, please identify someone who can and work with them to help sponsor your membership.

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* 10. Once you have completed the information,RETURN TO THE MEMBERSHIP PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE TO SUBMIT YOUR PAYMENT, THEN  please tap or click on the button below to send us your application. Add any special instructions regarding your application and information or payment below. Thank you!