We are drafting a Craven Cleaner, Safer and Greener Strategy 2015-2021. This strategy will deliver the Greener Craven prioritiy in our Council Plan “Improving the quality of life and making Craven’s public spaces Cleaner, Safe and Green, reducing energy consumption across Council operations, and reducing waste and increasing recycling levels within the district.”

The strategy will set out how we deal with Anti – Social Behaviour, Crime and Safety, Dog Fouling, Dogs Roaming, Littering and Fly Tipping, Domestic Smoke and Odour, General Nuisance (accumulations etc.) and Domestic Noise Nuisance.

We will work with North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, North Yorkshire County Council and Housing Associations operating in Craven to deliver the prevention and enforcement aspects of the strategy.

We also need community support to deliver the strategy, and we want to develop a “Craven Cleaner, Safer and Greener Charter” . The charter will be a voluntary agreement which sets out the mutual rights, responsibilities and expectations between residents, the Council and other service providers for creating Cleaner, Safer and Greener neighbourhoods.

What do we mean by a Cleaner, Safer and Greener Neighbourhood?

Cleaner: Well-maintained streets which are free from litter, fly-tipping, incorrectly stored waste both commercial and domestic, cigarette waste, graffiti, fly-posting and dog fouling

Safer: Well-lit neighbourhoods which are free from the suffering caused by noisy neighbours, anti-social behaviour and stray dogs including those that are dangerous; where people feel safer and children can play without fear.

Greener: Communities with parks that are attractive and inviting and open spaces that are not blighted by dumped rubbish, abandoned vehicles and dog fouling

Cleaner, Safer and Greener issues affect the way that neighbourhoods look, and the way that the people living there feel about their own neighbourhood. Not only can these issues affect people’s quality of life, they can also affect peoples'
Moving in and out of the area
House prices

We want your views on the directions of the strategy, and want you to let us know if we've missed anything.

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* 1. Do you support the ‘Vision’ that
‘By working together with communities we aim to reduce environmental crime by promoting Cleaner, Safer and Greener neighbourhoods’

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* 2. Do you agree with the following draft priority?

That through enforcement, education, working with businesses and communities we will improve neighbourhoods to achieve a ‘Cleaner Craven’

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* 3. Do you agree with the following draft priority?

That through enforcement, education and working with businesses and communities we will improve neighbourhoods to achieve a ‘Safer Craven’

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* 4. Do you agree with the following draft priority?

That through enforcement, education and working with businesses and communities we will improve neighbourhoods to achieve a ‘Greener Craven’

Question Title

* 5. Do you agree in the concept of Craven Cleaner, Safer and Greener Charter as mentioned above?