Respondent Information

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Address:

Question Title

* 3. Email (optional):

Question Title

* 4. Household Usage of Polo Field:
For what types of activities do members of your household use the Polo Field? (please check off the frequency of each type of choice)

Question Title

* 5. What type of improvements, if any, would you like to see at the Polo FIeld? (If the item is a low priority - do not check-off)

Question Title

* 6. Multi-Use Paths in the Brynford Vicinity
Brynford is fortunate to have several green spaces in the immediate vicinity: Preston Field, Polo Field, and the Haverford College Campus. While the College Nature Trail is not multi-use, being restricted to pedestrians, Preston Field does have a multi-use 0.35-mile path that is truly public space.

How often did members of your household use the below spaces for movement (walking/jogging/bicycling) prior to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Question Title

* 7. Proposal to Install Multi-Use Path at Polo Field
Haverford Township is currently considering the installation of a 0.5 mile, multi-use, surfaced path in the Polo Field, not unlike the 0.35-mile path around Preston Field. The proposed path would go around the athletic fields, with connections to the parking lot, Railroad Avenue, and the intersection of Penn and Dayton Streets.
Would you support such a project? (Check off one choice)

Question Title

* 8. Surface of Multi-Use Path
There are a variety of possibilities for a surface for the proposed path: natural covering (gravel/crushed stone/mulch such as the Haverford College Nature Trail), macadam (such as the path in Preston Field), pervious recycled rubber (compare the path at South Ardmore Park or the small section of the Haverford College Nature Trail). Each type of surface has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of installation cost, maintenance cost, longevity, ecological friendliness, hardness, and safety concerns.

5. What type of surface would you find preferable for a multi-use path? (Check off one preference for each type of path surface)

Question Title

* 9. Brynford Civic Association
“Our neighbor’s space is as important as our own”

The mission of the BCA is to maintain and continually improve the quality of residential life for everyone in the community. The goals of the BCA are to be inclusive of all residents of the Brynford community, to provide a common voice in advocating for residents (ex: Billboard Challenge), to preserve and improve Brynford infrastructure, and to enhance neighborhood communication and civility. The BCA is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-profit organization.

Please add our household to the Brynford Civic Association membership list. (Membership is free this year) 
IF YES, make sure you provide an email address, if available.