Online Registration

Dear Faculty Sponsor
Please fill in the information on this form for students you are sponsoring for the 2021 UGRS.
1) If your student's research is approved by the IRB, please enter the IRB approval date in the field of IRB date.
     Students must indicate the IRB approval date on their posters or in their presentations.
2) If multiple students are presenting ONE poster/paper/display/performance, or if there are multiple faculty sponsors, please put all of their names together in the name box, separated by commas. Please be sure all spelling is correct. Student names will be printed in the program and on certificates exactly as they appear on this form.
3) If you are sponsoring multiple projects, fill in this form and click submit for each project. Then click the back button on your browser, and change the project data for the next student. This SurveyMonkey Survey will allow multiple submissions from one computer. 
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Deborah Mason-McCaffrey at

Question Title

* 1. Department

Question Title

* 2. Sponsoring Faculty Name

Question Title

* 3. Faculty E-mail

Question Title

* 4. Student Name(s)

Question Title

* 5. Title of Presentation

Question Title

* 6. Student E-mail

Question Title

* 7. IRB date

Question Title

* 8. Check one option below.

Question Title

* 9. Poster Format