Understanding Migraine: Emergency Treatment in General Practice

MAI are building a series of education videos for HCPs from which they can earn hours towards CPD points.

We're asking you to fill out this short questionnaire so that we can verify that you have watched  Dr. Kearney's video "Emergency Treatment in General Practice" online.

Please include your email address so that we can send you your Certificate of Completion. All questions require an answer!

Question Title

* 2. Name 3 relevant elements in the patient's history that may indicate the possibility of migraine developing?

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* 3. While international recommendations say "symptoms occcuring on 6.8 days per month means the patient may need a preventative" how many days does Dr. Kearney think is quite disruptive?

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* 4. What percentage (rough estimate) of your patients have presented with migraine in the past?

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* 5. Would you be interested in being added to our Health Care Professional List?

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* 6. Please enter the following information to receive your Certificate of Completion (NB: CERTIFICATES WILL BE SENT 3-5 WORKING DAYS AFTER SUBMISSION OF QUESTIONNAIRE)