People across Maryland are speaking up about the need for more mental health and substance use care. Use this survey to tell your story and join the fight.
Responses will be used to support Equal Treatment Maryland advocacy efforts and may be posted on the campaign website or used in campaign communications.
Please provide any information you are willing to share. If you wish for your response to remain anonymous, please check the box below.
If you have any questions regarding how your responses may be used, please contact Emily Allen at

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* 1. Why is access to mental health and substance use care important to you and your family?

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* 2. What barriers or challenges have you faced when trying to access mental health or substance use care in Maryland?

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* 3. What else would you like to say about mental health and substance use care in Maryland?

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* 4. Please provide any demographic information you are willing to share. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, skip this question and check the box in question 2.

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* 5. Please check the box below if you would prefer to remain anonymous: