The United Church of Christ in Keene
Estimate of Giving Card 2025-2026

Please know your response is an Estimate of Giving and can be adjusted at any time. This estimate is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025. Click DONE at the end when you are finished. A confidential copy will be sent to Julie in the Church Office.
Please remember, "TO BE US, WE NEED YOU."
God bless you for your generosity!
1.If you currently give to the Church through an Annual Pledge:
2.If you do not currently give to the Church through an Annual Pledge, please indicate your annual Estimate of Giving for 2025-2026:
3.I plan to pay my Annual Pledge:
4.Do you need Pledge Envelopes?
5.I am giving to The United Church of Christ as a:
6.NAME  (Required)(Required.)
9.PHONE (Home and/or Mobile)
11.What is the best way to contact you?
12.Please let us know if you have any questions or comments!