1. Monroe Housing Collaborative Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for completing our satisfaction survey.  Your feedback will allow us to provide better services to individuals with disabilities in our community.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us who you are

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* 2. Which of the following words would you use to Monroe Housing Collaborative services?  Select all that apply.

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* 3. How Responsive have we been regarding your housing needs?

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* 4. Has the assistance from the Monroe Housing Collaborative had a positive impact on your:

  A Great Deal Somewhat Slightly Not at all
Outlook on Life?
Relationship with family or friends?
Level of stress?
Ability to remain independent in the environment that you choose?

Question Title

* 5. How would you describe your housing situation now?

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* 6. How has the assistance from the Monroe Housing Collaborative helped you to maintain your housing or to improve your housing situation?

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* 7. Was the information provided by the Housing Liaison helpful in making choices about your housing?

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* 8. Did the service you received from the Monroe Housing Collaborative help you to find a new place to live?

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* 9. If you have moved to a new apartment, please respond to the following questions about your new home.  This will help us when referring to this property in the future.

  Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or Never N/A
Are the common areas around your unit well maintained
Are the locks on your unit door and the outside door in good condition and working properly?
Is your unit and the property free of rodents, insects and other pests?
Are the common bathrooms, trash/recycling and laundry rooms well maintained?
does the property management staff respond to service requests in a timely manner?
Does the property management staff respond to emergencies promptly?
Does the property management staff treat you with respect and in a professional manner
Does the property management staff handle issues and disagreements between residents appropriately?

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* 10. If you moved, where are you currently living?

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* 11. When working with the Monroe Housing Collaborative, did the Housing Liaison:

  Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never
Treat you with respect?
Seem to understand your situation and needs?
Do a good job explaining the program requirements?
Make referrals to other appropriate services you  may need?
Provide you with information that was useful in making housing choices?

Question Title

* 12. While working with Monroe Housing Collaborative, was the Housing Liaison:

  Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or Never N/A
Responsive in a timely manner?
Sensitive to your ethnic and cultural background
Knowledgeable about available housing and services?
Careful to maintain your confidentiality?

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* 13. How likely is it that you would recommend Monroe Housing Collaborative to a friend or colleague?


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* 14. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Monroe Housing Collaborative?

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* 15. If you were to recommend  the Monroe Housing Collaborative to a friend, what would you say?

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* 16. If you will allow us to use your comments in our brochures or website, please provide your contact information. 

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* 17. Please choose what services you and/or any household members are currently receiving. (Choose all that apply)