A message from Jean Stoner, NGO Representative, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at the United Nations:

Welcome to our quick survey on our monthly newsletter. It will help us to know what is working well and what we can do better in communicating our efforts at the United Nations. We thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback - by April 25 please.

Please answer the following 7 questions:

Question Title

* 1. What type of reader are you? Choose the option that best describes you.

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* 2. What is your level of interest in our SNDatUN newsletter?

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* 3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with our SNDatUN newsletter?

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* 4. Please comment on the following:

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* 5. What issues would you like to see included in our newsletter in the future? Indicate one or more choices:

Question Title

* 6. How can we improve our monthly newsletter? Indicate one or more choices:

Question Title

* 7. Any other comments?

Question Title

* 8. Would you be interested in providing content for our newsletter? If yes, please include your contact information below: