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Please complete this form only if you do not want your student(s) to participate in online learning on Microsoft Teams, or Student Email.

Collegiate Charter School of Lowell is pleased to offer students access to the Microsoft Office 365 Education suite of downloadable application and cloud-based software services.  This service provides tools and resources to increase communication and collaboration for educational purposes, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams.  In connection with this service, students will be offered a school email address as well as access to Microsoft tools and programs.

Microsoft Teams- All students will be provided an Office 365 online account that will have access to Microsoft Teams. Students will be able to attend online lessons with their teachers, during which they will observe their teacher in real-time, ask questions, and engage with other classmates. Students may choose to allow video recording of themselves to show the teacher work, engage in conversation, etc. This is a platform Collegiate is looking to utilizing during extended periods of closure, for example.

Student Email- While student emails are not required by Collegiate, they are typically used in the upper grades, such as with our high school students, to communicate with teachers. To ensure compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) for students under the age of 13, all student email accounts can only send and receive email from within the district.

This Opt-Out request will remain in effect for one school year, and expires at the end of this school year. A parent or guardian must complete a new Opt-Out form every school year. If no documentation is on file, it will be assumed that permission has been granted for access to Microsoft Office 365, including but not limited to, student email and Microsoft Office applications.

Click here to view the PDF version of this opt-out form.
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