In our continuing effort to accurately assess Long Island's competitiveness to attract economic development investment, the Association for a Better Long Island, Long Island Association, and Long Island Builders Institute are asking its members who are involved in regional real estate development to participate in the “Long Island Economic Investment Survey,” administered by Long Island University’s Steven S. Hornstein Center for Policy, Polling, and Analysis. This survey will provide real-time comprehensive data from the region’s largest property owners on development patterns on and off Long Island and offer critical insights into challenges for development to inform our advocacy for the upcoming 2025 New York State Legislative Session. We estimate that it should take approximately 10 minutes for you to complete this survey. We will treat survey data as proprietary information, keeping responses confidential, and the data will be evaluated only in the aggregate. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. It will be a strategic resource in our shared efforts to position Long Island as an attractive place for development while supporting our region’s need to encourage economic growth.
1.Email (Optional):
2.Name (Optional):
3.Company name (Optional):
4.What is your current company portfolio in square feet on Long Island (estimated combined Commercial/Retail/Industrial)?(Required.)
5.What is your company portfolio in terms of residential units on Long Island?(Required.)
6.What is the percentage of your company portfolio located off Long Island?(Required.)
7.In the LAST five years, what percentage of your company portfolio has grown off Long Island?(Required.)
8.In the LAST five years, what is the percentage of development your company commenced off Long Island vs. commenced on Long Island?(Required.)
9.In the NEXT five years, what is the percentage of development your company forecasts to commence off Long Island vs. forecasts to commence on Long Island?(Required.)
10.In the LAST five years, what was your approximate total dollar investment ON Long Island?(Required.)
11.In the LAST five years, what was your approximate total dollar investment OFF Long Island?(Required.)
12.In the LAST five years, what was the total number of residential units your company built ON Long Island?(Required.)
13.In the LAST five years, what was the total number of residential units your company built OFF Long Island?(Required.)
14.In the NEXT five years, what is your approximate projected total dollar investment ON Long Island?(Required.)
15.In the NEXT five years, what is your approximate projected total dollar investment OFF Long Island?(Required.)
16.In the NEXT five years, what is the projected total number of residential units your company plans to build ON Long Island?(Required.)
17.In the NEXT five years, what is the total number of residential units your company plans to build OFF Long Island?(Required.)
18.What are the top three obstacles to development on Long Island?(Required.)
19.What are the top two differences when comparing developing a project off Long Island to developing on Long Island?(Required.)
20.Total number of company employees:(Required.)
21.How many employees does your company have ON Long Island?(Required.)
22.How many employees does your company have OFF Long Island?(Required.)
23.What is the percentage business operations/portfolio that focuses OFF Long Island?(Required.)
24.Has your company been approached to completely relocate off Long Island?(Required.)
25.Is your company considering a partial or entire relocation in next five to ten years? (Required.)
26.What can support your future success on Long Island (Click all that apply)?(Required.)
27.What are the top three obstacles operating a business on Long Island?(Required.)
28.What are the top three drivers forcing companies to leave Long Island?(Required.)
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