CLC/IB Temperature Check Survey Winter 2023/2024 Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Email Address Question Title * 3. Select your organization type Hospital/Healthcare Delivery System Non-profit (Physician Membership Organization) Non-profit (Other) Insurance Company/Managed Care Company Government or Military School of Medicine Publishing/Education Company Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Select the option which best describes your role CME Planner/Coordinator CME Committee Chair Medical Director CEO Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. My organization’s CME activities that involve a patient care component include CLC/IB Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 6. What are some ways your organization is addressing the CLC/IB requirements? (check all that apply) Utilize the template to create a CLC/IB fact sheet provided by CMA Utilize another CLC/IB planning form or template Provide CLC/IB education to planners, faculty and reviewers Work with speakers to ensure CLC/IB is addressed in their presentations Work with medical librarian to find relevant information on CLC/IB related to educational topics Add specific CLC/IB learning objectives to activities Ask specific CLC/IB related questions in activity evaluations Include a slide on CLC/IB in CME activity PowerPoints Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Have you seen an impact on patient care and/or outcomes at your organization as a result of addressing CLC/IB in physician education? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 8. What challenges and/or barriers to implementing the standards have you encountered? (check all that apply None Difficulty educating faculty/planners/speakers Lack of information on patient population Lack of resources/education on CLC/IB relevant to CME program Lack of buy in from organizational leadership Lack of buy in from learners None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What types of resources would help ensure your success in implementing the standards? (check all that apply) Health equity resource library Specific talking points on the importance of including CLC/IB in CME activities Information on conferences/educational activities related to DEI and health equity Library of examples from CME providers Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. We love to share examples of how the standards have been implemented! Please submit examples below. Question Title * 11. Please check here if CMA may share your example with other CME providers Yes No Done