Family-Friendly Business Practices

Employer Survey

We want to feature Montana employers who are innovators in recruitment by offering family-friendly business practices. Please take a moment to fill out this survey to help us learn how we can best support employers across the state as well as showcase successes.  
Zero to Five Montana along with many business owners and partners including the Montana Chamber of Commerce, cultivated and launched the Family Forward Montana Initiative in 2019 to support employers across the state of Montana learn about and/or implement family-friendly business practices. The makeup of today's workforce has drastically changed over the past 50 years, and with that comes a call for workplace changes in order to recruit and retain a quality workforce. This initiative received great traction until the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, causing many efforts including Family Forward Montana to be placed on hold.  

With that said, Zero to Five Montana is looking to get this initiative back up and going full swing with a relaunch under our Montana Child Care Business Connect work. First on the list is to ensure our team has a solid understanding of the family-friendly business practices employers are already implementing, as well as learn from these employers and help disseminate the successes.  

Zero to Five Montana looks forward to working with you. Please reach out to Alex DuBois, if you have any questions. 
6.Phone Number:
7.Number of Employees:
8.Do you offer paid leave benefits (check all that apply)?
9.Do you offer flexible work and scheduling (check all that apply)?
10.Do you offer any health or flexible spending account benefits (check all that apply)?
11.Do you offer child care benefits (check all that apply)?
12.Do you offer any accommodations or supports to employees (check all that apply)?
13.Would you be willing to complete a one-on-one interview about your family-friendly business practice?
14.Are you interested in someone from our team following up with you to talk more about family-friendly business practices?
15.Would you be open to having an onsite or near site child care facility?
16.Do you know of another employer who is offering a family-friendly practice?
17.Additional Comments: