Please kindly complete this survey of 20 quick questions to help us better understand your AGILE needs moving forward and especially in 2022.

It should take just 10 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers and it can be anonymous if you like.

Thank you very much indeed,


Question Title

* 1. In terms of agile would you rate yourself :

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* 2. In terms of your organisation, would you rate them :

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* 3. Which of the following sector is your organisation categorised?

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* 4. How big is the procurement team in which you work?

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* 5. Have you personally completed the LAP1 course?

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* 6. Have you personally completed any other agile course?

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* 7. What is your appetite for further agile or LAP training?

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* 8. What is your Training budget availability for further agile training?

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* 9. Why did you enrol in LAP1?

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* 10. Might you be interested in further agile procurement training through PASA? (tick all that apply)

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* 11. What style/format of agile training do you prefer?

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* 12. Might you be interested in future in personal ‘agile’ coaching through one hour online sessions 1 to 1 at around A$350 per hour with our agile coaches ?

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* 13. Do you feel confident enough to try and run your own agile procurement project yet?

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* 14. What is the prime benefit you seek to capture through the application of LAP within your organisation – please rate your answers 1 (for most attractive benefit) through 7 (for least attractive benefit to us) :

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* 15. How keen are you personally to move on from LAP1 to complete further “qualifications” in agile procurement (like the Swiss LAP2 credential)?

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* 16. It is possible that the LAP2 credential may evolve from a simple short course – say, 3 LIVE days or 5 mornings online – to a more comprehensive programme over a period of months. This would involve :
a.      Three shorter online workshops over a period of time – several weeks
b.      Covering significantly more content
c.      Some “homework” study & reading by participants
d.      Much more ‘applied learning’ using real-life case studies/tasks on your own desk
e.      Intermittent coaching sessions – both personal and group sessions timetabled
f.       A learning management system support tool – to guide you through the learning process
g.      A cheaper individual price to attend

Might you be more or less attracted to this approach?

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* 17. Instead of a semi-formal learning programme, or learning journey, (as described in Q.16 above), might you prefer individual LAP course modules instead on say, five specific topics priced individually like :

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* 18. Once all modules are completed, an LAP2 credential from the LAP Alliance would be awarded, although individual modules would always be available to attend with no accreditation. Would you prefer this approach to a more formal learning programme?

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* 19. Do you value the free PASA Agile Alumni sessions we run every 6-8 weeks online to share AGILE PROCUREMENT best practice, case studies, new techniques or LAP news?

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* 20. Do you ever visit the PASA AGILE website? 

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* 21. Any comments or suggestions from you on your needs, your organisation’s needs, or your preferences or ideas for future PASA Agile content, training & coaching programmes?

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* 22. Finally, your details please (NB, this is optional) :

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* 23. Would you like a follow up call from one of the PASA Agile Team to discuss your agile procurement needs?