CMF Mission Giving Survey

Do you support other missions and ministries?  As part of our congregational discernment to increase our mission partnerships and utilize our Mission Fund, we'd like to know more about your individual mission interests.  This anonymous survey will help Council identify values and interests we at CMF are passionate about and help guide our mission visioning process.

Thank you for answering these questions.  Your responses are anonymous.

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* 1. Do you regularly support (through giving/volunteering) Christian ministries other than CMF?

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* 2. Please list any ministries that you are engaged with.

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* 3. Check up to four (4) values or interests that YOU look for when supporting a Christian ministry.

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* 4. Check up to four (4) values or interests that you think CMF should prioritize for our mission partnerships.

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* 5. Would you be interested in serving on a CMF Missions/Outreach Committee tasked with overseeing CMF's mission partnerships?

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* 6. If needed, would you support CMF mission partners by giving over and above your budget pledge?

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* 7. Do you have any other suggestions/considerations for Church Council as we discern a mission vision for CMF?