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Do you have ideas for a presenter, concept or audience interactive that would make a good Money Smart Week session? Recommendations can be submitted via this survey throughout the year, but program selection will take place in the Fall before each campaign. 

Note that topics should be focused on meeting the financial literacy needs of low-to-moderate income communities and presenters need to be from one of these categories: non-profit organization, government agency or educational institution.

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* 1. In its effort to address the needs of low-to-moderate income communities, what financial literacy topic(s) do you suggest Money Smart Week consider for an upcoming campaign?

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* 2. Please share the name(s) and contact info (if available) of specific individuals/organizations that Money Smart Week might consider for program presenters. Please keep in mind that presenters need to be from a non-profit organization, government agency or educational institution.

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* 3. We would like to engage the Money Smart Week audience during the live presentations. Do you have any interactive suggestions we could consider?

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* 4. Please provide an email address where you can be reached if more info is needed:

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