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Senate Bill 141, a measure to place a temporary pause on city annexation in Kentucky, became law this session after receiving bipartisan support from the General Assembly. The law took effect March 29, 2023. In addition to a one-year pause on annexation, the law creates a task force to examine the effects of city annexation and make recommendations to the legislature.

To help inform that task force, KACo is collecting information from counties about how annexation impacts them (positively or negatively), including stories about loss of revenue to cities and ways that counties and cities have collaborated to make the process beneficial to both entities. Please briefly tell us your county's story below and a KACo staff member will be in touch soon to get more details.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Shellie Hampton, Director of Governmental Affairs ( or Gracie Lagadinos, Deputy Director of Governmental Affairs (

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* Contact Information

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* Tell us your story

How has annexation impacted your county (positively or negatively), including loss of revenue to cities or ways that your county has collaborated with your city/cities to make the process beneficial to both entities? A brief explanation is all that is needed right now - a KACo staff member will be in touch soon to get more details.

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