Opt In for Digital Delivery of Annual Report

At Capital Farm Credit (CFC), we're committed to keeping you informed and making it easier to access important updates. We're excited to offer our Annual Report and Annual Meeting Disclosure in a digital format.

To opt in to receive a digital copy of your Annual Report and Annual Meeting Disclosure, fill out the form below. CFC is required to send a copy of the annual report to each known borrower, therefor each borrower must opt-in individually to receive their digital copy.

If you have any questions or need help along the way, our Customer Support team is here for you at (877) 944-5500.
Last 4 Digits of Social(Required.)
First Name(Required.)
Last Name(Required.)
Email Address(Required.)
I certify that I am a current borrower or an authorized signer submitting this form on behalf of the entity for the loan referenced above.(Required.)
I would like to opt in to receive digital copies only of the Annual Report and Annual Meeting Information Statement (AMIS) from Capital Farm Credit, ACA.(Required.)