Please complete this registration form if your school or organization plans to participate in Kentucky College Application Campaign, FAFSA Completion Challenge or College Decision Day during the 2024-2025 school year. This information allows KHEAA to better track who is participating in each program so we can offer tools and resources to help make your event(s) successful. The first 200 schools to register will receive an exciting welcome package, complete with free promotional materials!

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* 1. Please tell us the name and address of your school or organization.

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* 2. Kentucky College Application Campaign gives high school seniors hands-on help in applying to college. The program is designed to build excitement around the college application process and encourage seniors to take this important set toward continuing their post-high school education.

Does your school or organization plan to participate in Kentucky College Application Campaign during the 2024-2025 school year?

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* 3. FAFSA Completion Challenge is an initiative that will encourage schools to host a workshop for high school seniors and their families to assist them with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and to provide ongoing support around the FAFSA process.

Does your school or organization plan to host a FAFSA workshop during the 2024-2025 school year?

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* 4. College Decision Day, typically held on or around May 1, is a program that celebrates and recognizes seniors for making educational plans beyond high school.

Does your school or organization plan to participate in College Decision Day during the 2024-2025 school year?

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* 5. If you answered "Yes" to participating in any of the programs described above, please tell us who will be the primary contact in charge of organizing these programs at your school.

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* 6. What is the estimated size of your 2024-2025 senior class?

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* 7. I understand my school/organization will be responsible for planning our own activities for these programs. I can find planning resources at and by contacting my KHEAA Outreach Counselor.

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* 8. I understand that, if needed, my school/organization will recruit our own volunteers to help with these programs. KHEAA is not responsible for volunteer recruitment.

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* 9. I understand that my school/organization will be asked to complete a brief survey about our experience upon completion of these programs.

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* 10. I would like to receive free promotional items for my College Application Campaign event.